If this is a medical emergency please dial 911!
Clinics with a * next to their name are current members of IAFCC
Champaign County
Avicenna Community Health Center *
201 W. Kenyon Rd
Champaign, IL, 61820
More info >
- 309-306-1358
- https://www.avicennahealth.org | Appointment Request Form
- Hours: Friday – 3p-5p, Saturday (every other) – 1p-4p, Sunday – 1p-4p
- Languages: Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, Gujarati, Urdu, Mandarin, French
- Services: Urgent/Acute Care, Yearly physicals, Laboratory, Chronic Disease Management, Vision Screening, Family Planning, Prenatal/ Obstetrical Care, Gynecological, STI Testing/Treatment, HIV Testing, Eyeglasses, Onsite Pharmacy
Love Clinic
312 E. Bradley Ave
Champaign, IL 61820
More Info>
- 217-359-6920 | info@thechurchofthelivinggod.com
Champaign County Christian Health Center *
1401 S State St, Suite B,
Champaign IL, 61824
More Info>
- 217-402-5683 | ccchc2003care@gmail.com | Walk-Ins Accepted
- www.ccchc2003.org
- Eligibility Criteria: Uninsured, Underinsured, or Lack Access to Care
- Languages: Spanish, French
- Services: Urgent/Acute Care, Yearly Physicals, Covid Testing, Laboratory, Chronic Disease Management, Dental Care, Mental Health Treatment
Coles County
Sarah Bush Lincoln Dental Services *
Mobile Only
Kids Only-Through school registration forms from our program
More Info>
- 217-235-0800
- www.sarahbush.org/dental
- Hours: Tuesday – Friday 0730 – 4:30 p.m.
- Documentation required to enroll: Health history, Registration form, Medical card if applicable
- FPL requirement to enroll: Eligible for Medicaid or free/reduced lunch
- Languages: Hindi, Spanish, Mandarin, Russian, Vietnamese, We have a language interpretation service on an ipad
Cook County
Bridgeport Student Run Clinic
3001 S Lowe Ave
Chicago, IL 60616
More Info>
- 773-888-3368 | bridgeportfreeclinic@gmail.com
Chicago Women’s Health Center *
1025 W. Sunnyside Suite 200
Chicago, IL 60640
More Info>
- 773-935-6126
- www.chicagowomenshealthcenter.org
- Hours: Monday – Friday 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
- Languages: Spanish
- Services: Urgent/Acute Care, Laboratory, Family Planning, Gynecological, STI Testing/Treatment, HIV Testing, Mental Health Treatment/Counseling
CommunityHealth *
2611 W. Chicago
Chicago, IL 60622
More Info>
- 773-395-9900 | www.communityhealth.org
Hours: Mon and Wed-8:30am-7:30pm; Tues-8:30am-5:30pm; Thurs-8:30am-2:30pm and 4:00pm-5:30pm; Fri-8:30am-2:30pm; Sat-8:30am-1:00pm - Eligibility Criteria: Must be uninsured, Must be less than a certain percentage of FPL, Your only health insurance is HBIA or HBIS; and CommunityHealth must be the only place you will be receiving healthcare
- Documentation required to enroll: Proof of address, proof of income, ID
- FPL requirement to enroll: At or below 300%
- Languages: Polish, Spanish
- Services: Urgent/Acute Care, Yearly Physicals, Immunizations, Covid Testing, Laboratory, Chronic Disease Management, Dental Care, Vision Screening, Family Planning, Gynecological, STI Testing/Treatment, HIV Testing, TB Testing, Mental Health Treatment
Compassionate Care Clinic
6348 N. Milwaukee Ave, #215
Chicago, IL 60646
More Info>
- 773-775-3600 | info@ccnamerica.com
- https://ccnamerica.com/health-screenings/
Hayat Free Community Clinic *
6350 N. Maplewood Ave.
Chicago, IL 60659
More Info>
- 773-465-4749 | Walk-ins accepted
- Hours: Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday 6pm to 8pm
- Languages: Hindi, Gujarati, Urdu, Punjabi
Howard & Evanston Community Center
7648 N Paulina St
Chicago, IL 60626
More Info>
- 773-262-6622
- https://howardevanston.org/
IAMACF Free Health Clinic *
2645 W Peterson Ave
Chicago, IL 60659
More Info>
- 224-713-5212 | Walk-ins accepted
- www.iamacf.org
- Hours: Friday – 5:00 to 9:00 p.m., Saturday – 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and Sunday – 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
- Eligibility Criteria: Uninsured and underinsured
- Documentation required to enroll: Any form of ID
- Languages: Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, Gujarati, Urdu, Punjabi, Tibetan
- Services: Immunization, Laboratory, Vision Screening, Family Planning (refer out), Gynecological
Loyola Medical Pediatric
Must schedule a site visit
More Info>
- 708-216-3299 (schedule a site visit) | 888-584-7888
- https://www.loyolamedicine.org/find-a-condition-or-service/pediatrics/pediatric-support-services/pediatric-mobile-health-unit
Maria Shelter | Margaret’s Village
7315 South Yale Avenue
Chicago, Illinois 60621
More Info>
Mercy To Mankind Clinic, NFP *
6201 N California Ave
Chicago, IL 60659
More Info>
- 773-669-4455
- https://www.mercytomankindclinic.com
- Hours: Thursdays 6-8 pm
- Eligibility Criteria: Must be less than 150% of FPL
- Documentation required to enroll: Picture ID with name and DOB
- Languages: Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, Urdu
- Services: Urgent/Acute Care, Yearly Physical, Chronic Disease Management
Mobile Care Chicago *
Mobile Only
Must schedule a site visit
More Info>
- 773-570-5338
- https://mobilecarechicago.org
- Hours: M-F 8:30 am – 3:30 pm
- Languages: Spanish
- Services: Yearly Physicals, Immunization, Chronic Disease Management, Dental Care
Norma Jean Sanders Free Clinic *
1049 E. 46th Street
Chicago, IL 60653
More Info>
- 773-624-8987 | njsfclinic@gmail.com | Walk-ins accepted
- Hours: Fridays 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
- Eligibility Criteria: No residential restrictions, no criteria, only medical need – All are welcome
- Language: English only
- Services: Yearly Physicals, Immunization (refer out), Vision Screening (refer out), STI Testing/Treatment (refer out), HIV Testing (refer out), Onsite Pharmacy (refer out)
Old Irving Park Community Clinic *
5425 W Addison St
Chicago, IL 60641
More Info>
- 773-427-0298
- www.oipcc.org
- Hours: Monday-Friday 9 to 5
- Eligibility Criteria: At or below 250% of FPL
- Documentation required to enroll: Last 2 pay stubs, tax form, w2, employment letter
- Languages: Polish, Spanish
- Services: Chronic Disease Management, Gynecological, STI Testing/Treatment, Mental Health Treatment/Counseling
Port Ministries *
5017 S. Hermitage Ave.
Chicago, IL 60609
More Info>
- 773-778-5955 | Walk-ins accepted
- https://www.theportministries.org
- Hours: Tuesdays/ 6-8PM
- Languages: Spanish
- Services: Urgent/Acute Care, Yearly Physicals, Laboratory, Chronic Disease Management, Vision screening, STI Testing, HIV Testing, TB Testing, Onsite Pharmacy
Ravenswood Community Services
4550 N Hermitage Ave.
Chicago, IL 60640
More Info>
- 773-769-0282
South Side Free Clinic | New Beginnings Church
6620 S Martin Luther King Dr
Chicago, IL 60637
More Info>
- Email tsutton@chicagoyouthprograms.org to schedule appointment
- Hours: Monday – Friday 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
Serve and Inspire *
Strength to Love Foundation
2136 West Belmont Ave Suite 1
Chicago 60618
More Info>
- 217-235-0800
- https://strengthtolove.org/
The Ark *
6450 N California Ave
Chicago, IL 60645
More Info>
- 773-973-1000
- Hours: M-Th 9-4, Fri 9-2
- Eligibility Criteria: Must be less than a certain percentage of FPL
- Documentation required to enroll: Referral from in-house case manager
- Languages: Spanish, Russian, Hebrew
- Services: Yearly Physicals, Immunization, Laboratory, Chronic Disease Management, Dental Care, Vision Screening, Family Planning, Gynecological, STI Testing/Treatment, TB Testing, Mental Health Treatment/Counseling, Eyeglasses
The Night Ministry *
Mobile Only
Must schedule a site visit
More Info>
- 773-784-9000
- www.thenightministry.org (For all resources and partners for homeless youth and young adults in Chicago)
- Locations: See schedule here: https://www.thenightministry.org/healthcare
Garfield Park, New City, Pilsen, South Shore, various encampments around the city - Hours: Sunday-ThursdayVaries by program, administrative office is open 8am to 5pm
- Languages: Spanish, Other (We are able to use a translation app)
- Services: Urgent/Acute Care, Yearly Physicals, Immunization, Covid Testing, Chronic Disease Management, Family Planning, STI Testing/Treatment, TB Testing, Substance Abuse Treatment/Counseling, Mental Health Treatment/Counseling, Onsite Pharmacy
Washington Park Children’s Free Health Clinic
5350 S. Prairie Ave
Chicago, IL 60615
More Info>
- 773-924-0220 | health@chicagoyouthprograms.org
DuPage County
10 S 252 Kingery Hwy
Willowbrook, IL 60521
More Info>
- 708-369-9695
Chicago Dental Society Foundation Dental Clinic *
416 E. Roosevelt Road, Suite 102
Wheaton, IL 60187
More Info>
DuPage Health Coalition (DHC) *
511 Thornhill Drive, Suite C
Carol Stream IL 60188
More Info>
- 630-510-8720
- https://accessdupage.org/
- Hours: M-F 8 to 4 closed from 12 to 1
- Eligibility Criteria: Must be uninsured, Must live in the county that clinic located, Must be less than a certain percentage of FPL
- Documentation required to enroll: Proof or income and residency
- Languages: Arabic, Hindi, Polish, Spanish, Gujarati, Urdu, Mandarin, French, Russian, Punjabi, Hmong, Sudanese, Vietnamese, Somali, Burmese, Rohingya, Tibetan, ASL
- Services: Urgent/Acute Care, Yearly Physicals, Immunization, Covid Testing, Laboratory, Chronic Disease Management, Vision Screening, Gynecological, STI Testing/Treatment, HIV Testing, TB Testing, Substance Abuse Treatment/Counseling, Mental Health Treatment/Counseling, Eyeglasses, Onsite Pharmacy
25W530 75th St
Naperville, IL 60565
More Info>
- 630-364-4773
- www.icnshifa.org
- Hours: 2 days /week
- Eligibility Criteria: 300% of FPL
- Documentation required to enroll: Completed Intake Form
- Languages: Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, Gujarati, Urdu
- Services: Chronic Disease Management, Dental Care, Vision Screening, Family Planning, Gynecological, Mental Health Treatment/Counseling, Onsite Pharmacy
Ronald McDonald Care Bus
Mobile Only
Must schedule a site visit
More Info>
- 847-723-7358
Syrian American Specialty Clinics
16W631 91st Street, Door 12
Willowbrook, IL, USA
More Info>
- 630-474-4724
Kane County
Aurora Christian Healthcare *
143 S. Lincoln Ave. Unit A
Aurora IL 60505
More Info>
- 630-586-6392
- https://www.aurorachristianhealthcare.org/
- Hours: Varies weekly; often Wednesdays 5-8:30 and/or Fridays or Saturdays 12:30-4:30 by appt. only
- Eligibility Criteria: Must be unable to afford dental and/or chiropractic care otherwise.
- Languages: Spanish
- Services: Dental Care
Tri City Health Partnership *
318 Walnut St
St. Charles, IL 60174
More Info>
- 630-377-9277 | Walk-ins accepted
- https://tchpfreeclinic.org/
- Hours: 8:45 a.m. to 4:00p.m.
- Eligibility Criteria: Must be uninsured, Must live in the county that clinic located, Must be less than a certain percentage of FPL
- Documentation required to enroll: Application, ID, Pay Stubs, Taxes, and Proof of Address
- Languages: Spanish
- Services: Yearly Physicals, Immunization, Covid Testing, Laboratory, Dental Care, Family Planning, gynecological, STI Testing, HIV Testing, TB Testing, Mental Health
Kankakee County
Azzarelli Outreach Clinic *
341 N. St. Joseph Ave.
Kankakee, IL 60901
More Info>
- 815-928-6093 | Walk-Ins accepted
- Hours: Mon/closed, Tues/8:30-1:30, Wed/8:30-6:00, Thur/8:30-1:30, Fri 8:30-11:30 and some pm hours
- Languages: Spanish
- Services: Urgent/Acute Care, Yearly Physicals, Immunizations, Covid Testing, Chronic Disease Management, vision Screening, Gynecological, STI Testing/Treatment, HIV Testing, Eyeglasses, Onsite Pharmacy
Hippocrates Medical Clinic
606 E Court St #4011
Kankakee, IL 60901
More Info>
- 815-216-3446
- https://hmckankakee.wixsite.com/hmckankakee
Kendall County
Kendall Free Clinic
208 Beaver St
Yorkville, IL 60560
More Info>
- 630-553-0473 | info@kccfp.org
- https://kccfoodpantry.org/medical-care/
Lake County
Christopher D. Redding Youth Asthma Foundation *
345 Red Bridge Road Lake Zurich
Illinois 60047
More Info>
- 847-530-0678
- Contact Helen Hammond Redding at 312-682-6223 to enroll
- www.cdryouthasthma.org | www.mobilecarechicago.org
- Hours: 8:30am – 4:00pm
- Eligibility Criteria: Must be uninsured, Must live in the county that clinic located
- Documentation required to enroll: Signed service agreement with school or participating organization; completed respiratory surveys/consent forms of parent/guardian
- Services: Yearly Physicals, Immunizations, Chronic Disease Management
Hope Center USA *
23213 W. Miller RD
Lake Zurich IL 60047
More Info>
- 847-719-7909 | health@thehopecenter.com
- www.thehopecenter.com
- Hours: Saturday 8:30am – 12pm
- Eligibility Criteria: Must be uninsured
- Languages: Spanish, Russian
- Services: Yearly Physicals, Immunizations, Covid Testing, Family Planning, STI Testing/Treatment,
IFN Clinic *
1751 O’Plaine Rd
Libertyville IL, 60048
More Info>
- 224-433-5358 | Walk-ins accepted
- https://ifnclinic.com/
- Hours: Sundays 10:30 AM – 1 PM
- Languages: Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, Gujarati, Urdu, Punjabi, Bangla
- Services: Yearly Physicals, Covid Testing, Chronic Disease Management
Interprofessional Community Clinic *
3471 Green Bay Rd
North Chicago, IL 60064
More Info>
- 847-578-8501 | https://www.rfuclinics.com/services/caring-for-our-community/interprofessional-community-clinic/
- Hours: Thursday: 5:00 – 9:00 pm, Wednesday: 5:00 – 8:00 pm (once a month), Saturday: 8:30 am – 1:00 pm (1-2x/month)
- Eligibility Criteria: Must be uninsured
- Languages: Spanish, Mongolian
- Services: Yearly Physicals, Immunizations, Covid Testing, Laboratory, Chronic Disease Management, Vision Screening, Family Planning, Gynecological, STI Testing/Treatment, HIV Testing, TB Testing, Mental Health Treatment/Counseling, Eyeglasses
McHenry County
Family Health Partnership Clinic *
401 E. Congress Parkway
Crystal Lake, IL 60014
More Info>
- 779-220-9300
- www.hpclinic.org
- Hours: Mon – Wed, 8:30 – 4:30, Thurs 8:30 – 7, Friday 8:30 – 12; 2 Saturday mornings/month
- Eligibility Criteria: Must live in the county that clinic located
- Documentation required to enroll: Proof of income – will accept attestation
- Pop Up Mobile Clinics available
- Languages: Spanish, We use the language line for others
- Services: Urgent/Acute Care, Yearly Physicals, Immunizations, Covid Testing, Laboratory, Chronic Disease Management, Dental Care, Vision Screening, Family Planning, Gynecological, STI Testing/Treatment, HIV Testing, TB Testing, Mental Health Treatment/Counseling, Onsite Pharmacy
McLean County
Community Health Care Clinic *
900 Franklin
Normal IL 61761
More Info>
- 309-888-5531
- https://chcchealth.org/
- Hours: Monday – Thursday 8:30am – 12:30pm and 1:30pm – 5:00pm
- Eligibility Criteria: Must be uninsured, Must live in the county that clinic located, Must be less than 185% of FPL
- Documentation required to enroll: Proof of household income, residency, Medicaid denial
- Languages: Spanish, French
- Services: Urgent/Acute Care, Yearly Physicals, Chronic Disease Management, Dental Care, Mental Health Treatment/Counseling, Onsite Pharmacy
Peoria County
711 W John H. Gwynn Jr Ave.
Peoria, IL 61605
More Info>
- 309-340-8165
- https://cordobahc.org/contact/
Will County
New Song Health Center | Bolingbrook Christian Health *
151 E. Briarcliff Rd,
Bolingbrook, IL 60440
More Info>
- 630-783-2832
- www.bolingbrookhealth.org
- Hours: Mondays and Wednesdays from 7-10pm
- Eligibility Criteria: Must be uninsured
- Documentation required to enroll: Identification and payment information
- Languages: Spanish, Mandarin
- Services: Yearly Physicals, Covid Testing, Laboratory, Chronic Disease Management, Vision Screening, Family Planning, Prenatal/ Obstetrical Care, Gynecological, STI Testing/Treatment, HIV Testing, TB Testing, Substance Abuse Treatment, Eyeglasses, Onsite Pharmacy
WGMC Health Partnership | Will-Grundy Medical Clinic Inc *
213 E Cass St
Joliet, IL 60432
More Info>
- 815-726-5112
- https://willgrundymedicalclinic.org/
- Call 815-726-3377 to enroll
- Hours: Monday thru Friday 8:00 am to 4:00 pm Medical respite is 24/7 We have 1 to 2 night clinics per month
- Eligibility Criteria: 220% of FPL
- Documentation required to enroll: Identification and documents confirming income
- Languages: Arabic, Hindi, Polish, Spanish, Gujarati, Urdu, Mandarin, French, Russian, Punjabi, Hmong, Sudanese, Vietnamese, Somali, Burmese, Rohingya, Tibetan, ASL
- Services: Urgent/Acute Care, Yearly Physicals, Immunizations, Covid Testing, Laboratory, Chronic Disease Management, Dental Care, Vision Screening, Gynecological, STI Testing/Treatment, Substance Abuse Treatment, Mental Health Treatment/Counseling (Onsite, refer out), Eyeglasses (onsite, refer out), Onsite Pharmacy
Winnebago County
Rockford Rescue Mission
715 West State St
Rockford, IL 61102
More Info>
- 815-965-5332 Ex 117 | info@rockfordrescuemission.org
- https://www.rockfordrescuemission.org/
The Bridge Clinic
318 N Church St
Rockford, IL 61101
More Info>
- 815-494-1594
- www.thebridgeclinicrockford.com